Taking the Time…

All relationships matter – Jessica has become a great contact for several ladies, some believers and some not. She has offered to disciple some ladies that are not able to attend the regular ladies' study because of their job. Therefore they meet together at a different time, so that they are still able to study God’s word. Also, for the past 3.5 years she has been getting to know several wonderful local ladies here in Dubai as well. There is a group of ladies that tries to get together at least once a month as a group and then several times individually with others. However, there is one lady that has been nothing short of hospitable, kind, and generous to Jessica. Their friendship has blossomed, and deepened over some really great conversations and mostly around spirituality. Her curiosity towards the Bible has grown and questions have evolved more deeply about Jesus Christ and who he is and what he has done for those who believe and trust in him. It is a joy to be able to invest in the lives of others, share Jesus on a daily basis with those we meet with! Whether they are believers or not, it is my prayer that everything these ladies experience no matter what country they come from, they would know Jesus better because they have had conversations with others about him.

Please pray that God would continue to give these opportunities to me and other women in her life to share the good news and pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to soften her heart.

Please pray that we would all take time to find others that we can invest in to help them grow in their walk with the Lord - everyone needs someone spurring them on.

* All names and places have been changed. 


Just a park…


Multi-Cultural Discipleship