Multi-Cultural Discipleship

A few months ago, Sue started a women's Bible study group through a local international church. In the beginning the group met once a month. The focus was on disciplines of a Godly woman. When the study began, the group had about 15 women from 5 different countries. As they started to learn more, they realized that meeting once a month was not enough and requested to meet more often. Because things work a little differently overseas, permission had to be obtained to use the meeting room twice a month. By the next meeting, permission was granted, and attendance increased. We now have around 25-30 ladies that attend from about 10 different countries.   

As a group we are working on building trust within the group, and they are open to sharing and discussing important topics with each other. They are hungry to grow in Christlikeness and in reaching and teaching others.  

We will begin a new discipleship program with this group in the fall that will focus on growing in knowledge and likeness of Christ, to grow together as His body and in fellowship with other believers, and to have fun. Sue plans to use a lot of discussion-based teaching strategies, in hopes that it will help cross the cultural barriers in the group. When this was first introduced it seemed to be well received and aids in the goal of getting to know each other better as we learn. It is our prayer that we can make the study less about cultural differences and more about growing in Christ.  

Pray that the women will continue to attend and grow in this manner. 

  • Pray the fall semester that more ladies will attend and become growing disciples who want to disciple others 

  • Thank God for the fellowship and the cross-cultural unity that is in the class and pray it will increase. 

* All names and places have been changed. 


Taking the Time…


God’s Plans