God’s Plans

Sometimes when we think a situation is not working the way we think it should, it can be an opportunity to see that God is working in unexpected ways. This week's story is a clear reminder of how God can use an inconvenient situation for His glory.  

A family doctor named Jim has been working here in the UAE for several years. One day, he had to take his car into a garage and the mechanics predicted the car would be repaired by the end of that day. It wasn’t. And for several days the doctor was told, "Maybe tomorrow." Finally, the part came, but it was not usable when the mechanic tested it. Something was wrong with the piece, and it had to be sent back for a new one. 

However, Jim still had to go to work and because he still did not have his car, he ordered a taxi. That night on the ride to work, he knew the ride would take a while and he wondered what to do with his time.  He reached into his bag for something to do and he saw a “code-blue card” and pulled it from his bag. In the medical field, this is an information guide for medication doses, shock doses, rhythms, and how to treat respiratory arrest. Jim began to brush up on these skills. He had not experienced many code-blue situations in his work history. But for whatever reason, he felt a need to go over this card on the ride to work. 

Things were going smoothly when Jim began his shift. Suddenly, a code-blue announcement came from a sister hospital with no family doctor on call for the evening. Since he had running shoes on, he sprinted out of the hospital and arrived at the other hospital in 11 minutes and was able to take over the resuscitation. He said he was praying and praising God that everything he needed to know was fresh in his head. The patient was a young boy who had arrested, and within 3 minutes of Jim's arrival, they got the boy's pulse back and recovered.  

 Jim reflected on all the strange things that led up to that night and how incredible God works. Putting the pieces together, he said he was thankful his car was in the shop, and thankful the garage took so long to repair it. These circumstances made a way for him to review necessary information on that medical card while he was transported in a taxi to work that night. He is thankful for a gracious God who gives us everything we need for the work He has set before us. And most importantly he was thankful for the gift of life!  

 Let us agree with this praise and thank God for orchestrating every detail to save this little one's life and pray that the little boy’s family will reflect and understand the power and love of God. 

Prayer Requests:

 Pray for all medical professionals who are also Christ followers. Pray that they will be able to share boldly about their source of strength and hope.  

 Pray this family will come into a saving relationship with Jesus very soon as they reflect on the kindness of God toward their family. 

 *Names and places have been changed. 


Multi-Cultural Discipleship


From Anxiety to Opportunity