From Anxiety to Opportunity

Recently, Beverly attended a public speaking training conference by a prominent journalist in the UAE. During the conference, Beverly was able to find a way to share a personal journey related to her Christian faith.

The opportunity came when the presenter put each attendee into small groups for an impromptu exercise. Each attendee was to speak about a topic of their choice and use the skills taught at the seminar.

Beverly shared about travel anxiety and how she chose to draw closer to God; ultimately, His Word healed her. But she did not know of her complete healing until she and her husband moved to another country across the ocean to live.

Psalm 139:8-9 was a passage Beverly could never grasp as truth since she always dealt with anxiety when she traveled. She read these verses to the group and explained that it wasn't until she and her husband went to live in another country that she learned that God was on the far side of the sea. She finally had confidence in this truth.

Another opportunity came later that day for Beverly to share again in the large group. Beverly read the Bible passage to both groups. She shared in both groups about her Christian faith and the power that God had given her to trust Him and live free of anxiety. Beverly told the groups that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with the One True God. Although these talks weren't specifically about salvation, Beverly spoke a testimony to a mostly unbelieving group of power that only the One True God can give.

*Names and places have been changed for security.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that Beverly's words will continue to resonate with unbelievers present that day.

  • Pray that anyone with questions will contact Beverly since all the attendees are in a communication group.

  • Thank God Beverly took the opportunities given that day to share her faith and give God glory.


God’s Plans


Enjoying the Event (and more)