Just a park…

There are several believers that realized that a lot of lower-class workers would hang out in a park in the middle of the city. They wondered if those people knew about Jesus. So, they started to consistently go there with the intention of sharing the good news with people they meet. They even found ways to take others with them from their churches – and were able to start using the opportunity to disciple these young people. Before long they had a group of people that were gathering to hear the stories these guys were sharing.

As time went on, they started to have a couple of groups – both groups sharing similar stories using different languages. Then, another group began to take people out and share with new people – while others continued to share stories. A few times – they have had people prayer walking over the area while these groups were going on as well. What an exciting time for this part of town. Not only is God being glorified, but people are also being taught, discipled, and mentored – all in one location. Due to the heat, they were afraid people would quit showing up over the summer months however, people’s desire to hear about God has continued to grow – what an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing around you!

Please pray that we will be diligent and more and more will show up in the park to hear the good news. Pray willing workers will be added as needed.

Please pray for salvations and a method to get people in Bible believing churches and discipleship.

Pray for people to walk beside new believers faithfully.

Pray for the prayer walkers to remain faithful.


Be a Light (make a difference)


Taking the Time…