Let’s Pray During Ramadan!

Every year billions of Muslims observe a month-long fast from sunrise to sundown called Ramadan, one of the pillars of Islam. This year, Ramadan begins on March 10. For many, it’s tradition and an anticipated time to share with families and communities. For other Muslims, Ramadan is about self-denial or overcoming evil desires and appetites, renewing vows to live a moral life, reading the Qur’an again, extra times of prayer, and performing acts of charity. But religious duties like Ramadan cannot solve our greatest problem: humanity’s sinful rebellion against a holy God. The good news of Jesus is largely unknown among Muslims.

As Muslims observe Ramadan, may we, the Church, pray to the one, true God for their salvation. Their greatest problem, even in their season of prayer, remains spiritual lostness. Like us, they need the only solution—the gospel. Pray this month for Muslims’ response to the gospel and for missionaries who daily serve among them. Our God is listening!

Pray God will reveal Himself.

Pray God will open their hearts to seek God through Jesus Christ, the Word of God who reveals himself as Savior to All People, in All languages.

Pray for believers from Muslim families. Ask God to give them discernment during the month of Ramadan.


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