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Claire is single, but intentional about serving the Lord. Recently, she decided to move to a new apartment so she could be around those with different religious and ethnic backgrounds. She realized a couple of weeks after moving that she was surrounded by families and wondered if she the opportunity to meet single women would happen. 

The Lord had a plan. Even though in Claire’s mind, she had these ideas, the Lord surprised her one day when she saw a single lady sitting alone in the cafe at her complex. She boldly went over to her and started a conversation. She learned Asha was looking for a job and allowed Claire to pray for her, and they exchanged their contact information.

Doubting the impact of that encounter, Claire thought Asha was possibly just being nice and that hanging out in the future was not a possibility. Again, God had other plans. Two weeks later, Claire saw her in the cafe again. She learned Asha still was looking for a job. 

This time Claire invited her to a class at her church which would help her with interview skills. Asha called Claire the next day to say she’d like to attend the class. Claire told her there was a worship service before the class and Asha agreed to go.

As it turned out, the job class didn’t meet that day. But Asha enjoyed the worship service. She said she liked the “happy way” they prayed in worship. Since then, she's connected with believers from her language background and has been reading the Word in her language. 

-Please pray for her eyes to be opened as she reads.

-Pray she will continue to go with Claire to her church. 

-Pray that Claire will stay focused on Asha’s greatest spiritual need.


April 2024 Prayer Calendar


Let’s Pray During Ramadan!