Helping them Grow

Sam had some experience living in a country in East Asia. When he found out about a small church that was meeting locally from that area, he decided to visit the church. On the visit he got to know Pastor Lee. In the conversation, Pastor Lee lamented that while his congregation understood the gospel and theology, they struggled sharing it with others. He thought his church needed better listening skills to help them understand the heart of the people.

Sam offered to teach a class to train some of the church leaders. The training would teach the leaders about how to ask right questions to draw out more details when the church people are in conversations with those who need to hear the gospel. The questions would help turn the conversation to the gospel.

When the leaders in the church had a couple of lessons, they liked them so much that Sam continued to teach them. After six weeks the church leaders were taking what they learned and teaching it to more in the church. The church was learning how to interact with others so that the Gospel could be shared.

Recently, the church contacted Sam about other things that he can teach them. Sam hopes to help them work through a relationship class that will help them better understand the dynamics of a relationship and how they can improve those relationships.

It is amazing how God can use someone's experience to help influence people no matter where they are. God’s gifts are amazing - especially when we are actively seeking opportunities.

Pray for Pastor Lee’s small church to continue to grow in wisdom and understanding about how relationships are a part of God’s Grand Design.

Pray for others to be sure they are taking time to listen well and use their conversations to share the Gospel.

*All names are changed. 


March 2024 Prayer Calendar


February 2024 Prayer Calendar