A Simple Visit

There are many nations in our city, and this is seen every day in ordinary ways. On a visit to a local fruit stand, Casey began talking with the employee at the register. The man was from Malaysia and was kind and friendly to Casey and his wife.

Even on the first visit, Casey was able to get to know the man and talked about where he was from and exchanged pleasant information about our present city. Casey began to ask about religion in Malaysia and the fruit stand man was open and shared his heritage.

The couple has made a point to visit the fruit stand each week in hopes of seeing the man. However, with subsequent visits, the couple has not seen him as much. The couple prayed for opportunities and in the last few weeks, they saw him two weeks in a row. The next week the couple told him about a member from their church, from his homeland, who would be telling his story in church soon. Casey told him he would send him a link. As it turned out the link was not possible, but the pastor provided the testimony in writing to share with their new friend.

Casey sent it to the fruit stand man. Casey did not use any Christian terms but only said it was an interesting story. The fruit stand man said he read it and liked it. The couple invited him to church. He was kind but said he worked on Sundays. Workers in our city work most days of the week. He lives around the church. There are others from his country in the church. Maybe one of them can find time outside of church to share with him.


The fruit stand man will remember the story he has now that tells of one man coming to faith in Jesus.

For the Holy Spirit to work in the situation.

Over the next weeks the fruit man’s schedule might open so he can attend church with the couple.


December 2023 Prayer Calendar


November 2023 Prayer Calendar