Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples

August 2022 Prayer Requests

Summer brings many transitions across the UAE. June and July saw people from around the world moving home. Continue to pray for those who have made a decision to follow Christ while living in the UAE to find fellowship in their home countries. August will see many new people moving to the UAE. Pray for believers to to make it a priority to find churches where they can plug in, grow, and serve. Pray that they will grasp that while they moved to the UAE for a job, God has a greater purpose for their lives.

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July 2022 Prayer Requests

Temperatures in the UAE have been hitting 108F (over 40C) for the past couple of weeks. It is hot. While much of the world is flocking to the beach or going to the park for picnics, residents of the UAE are staying inside. Much of the entertainment and restaurants are located in the malls. So while the temps are soaring, people can learn to ski. Dubai, especially, is a crazy place!

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Prayer Story, Unreached Peoples, Prayer Pray for UAE Prayer Story, Unreached Peoples, Prayer Pray for UAE

God Works through Our Fear

A group of believers came to the UAE to visit Expo 2020 and see the sights of Dubai.  One evening they decided to go out and see who they could get into conversation with to share the Great News of Jesus.  Some were experienced in sharing their faith while others were not.  Bill, one of the younger group members, was almost paralyzed by fear to talk to strangers. 

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May 2022 Prayer Requests

Easter was celebrated by believers from many different nationalities with special services on Easter Sunday which was a first! In the past, Sunday was the first day of the work week so there were only Sunrise services before people headed off to work. This year permission was not granted for large sunrise services but baptisms took place up and down the coast. We asked you to pray for nominal Christians who would come to church because of the holiday. Churches were full and the Gospel was preached!

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What is Jesus worth?

“I forgot my Bible,” Jewel said to me somewhat out of the blue as she cooked dinner and I fixed myself some tea around 8 p.m. one night. The day had started out so wonderfully – a beautiful sunrise, lots of laughter in language class and a productive afternoon working, studying, getting my weekly COVID test done and even scoring a 20-minute nap after that. But that evening had sent me spiraling into culture stress, as something that should have been simple proved near impossible.

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"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."

— Billy Graham