Let’s Pray Together for the Gospel to Spread throughout the UAE and Her Peoples

Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

Many Gods?

A young man at Mason’s workplace is a nominal follower of a religion that has many gods. Mason helped him get his present job, and so the young man feels a bond with Mason. He looks up to Mason and has shared that he views him as his “older brother” and his “spiritual guru”.

After he moved to the city…..

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Pray for UAE Pray for UAE


Megan was intentional when she moved to the city when it came to the work of sharing the good news. She prayed for God to put her in someone's path while she explored the city one day. She wanted to use her Arabic with someone, and if possible, to share the good news and possibly make a friend. God honored her prayer.

It began when she asked a lady for directions to a restaurant. This one inquiry led to a longer conversation that found them both eating ice cream together nearby. Megan was amazed as the newfound friend treated her to ice cream.

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Pray for UAE Pray for UAE

Just a Haircut!

Living in the Desert City has taught Hannah to hold loosely to her plans and allow the Father to open doors in unexpected ways.

As Hannah went out with a friend one night to meet new women, they decided to stop by a local shop for henna. Their hope was to share stories from the Word. After an hour trying to engage the women, Hannah decided to pray the Father would open a door. Ten minutes later, she was getting a haircut. Sitting in the chair, Hannah quickly realized her hairdresser spoke little English. However, her friend started an intentional conversation with Anita, one of the workers in the salon.

The Lord had a plan…

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April 2024 Prayer Calendar

April is here!

We have themes that now run throughout the UAE to make sure every Emirate is prayed for. Be sure to click the link below do download your daily prayer calendar for the month of March. You will be encouraged and reminded to pray for specific themes or areas throughout the month.

Another reminder - Ramadan began during the month of March this year and will continue through part of April - so be praying for specific divine visions and dreams to call out to people during this month - when people are much more attentive to the spritual life throughout the month as they seek to atone for their actions throughout the year.

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"To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees."

— Billy Graham